
So almost everything is in the title.

Sometimes I feel bad and I ´m like everyone needs and deserve help / friends.

But sometimes im like people needs to protect their peace and everyone has their limits. It can be very exhausting.

For example I have a big sister with bipolar disorder and very depressed, its already super hard to deal with her. But its my sister so I try to be here as much as I can, even tho sometimes its difficult and frustrating.

So I admit that when it comes to friends, I have almost no energy left and I try to avoid people with big problems or always in a bad mood.

Ofc everyone can have problems and be in a bad mood, and I am here for my friends when they need it. But when its too much becomes a habit, I admit that I can take my distances especially when sometimes you struggle yourself.

So what do u do ?? Do u feel overwhelmed by some ppl sometimes and how u deal with it ?

And is it selfish to think like this?? (Tbh I know it is) but I want to read some of y’all opinions !!

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