There’s this guy A (M22) I’m (24F) friends with, and kind of fwb. We were seeing each other a few months ago but never dated as it didn’t work out, he was toxic and immature so we decided to just be friends. I think I started developing feelings for him again, just a small crush honestly. As we worked together, we didn’t want coworkers knowing about our relationship so we kept it on the down low. But people found out because he told someone he was close to and it spread.

There’s a coworker B who is a part of the friend group he was in, but due to A’s ex A wasn’t a part of the group anymore. He came up to me today and asked me if I was still talking to A. I said, “Sort of”. Then he proceeded to tell me that he’s a “f***boy”. That he cheated on his ex and was constantly scrolling on tinder in front of her. Said he saw the screenshots of him texting other girls. That he’s manipulative and has a big ego and uses his quiet demeanor as a way to get girls to pity him. Said A’s ex said she was just clingy. Told me A tried some stuff with some people at work but for their privacy didn’t want to say who or what. He said that A said he changed but hadn’t really.

I’m not sure if this is of any relevance but B started dating a girl from work who apparently had a huge crush on A but A rejected her because he was talking to me. A no longer works with us.

What A told me was that his previous relationship with his ex was toxic and she was super clingy and that after they broke up she talked bad about him to their mutual friends. He also mentioned that she was messaging her ex-fwb during their relationship. I honestly can’t remember exactly what he said about their breakup because it was a while ago. Their relationship ended about a year ago.

There was also a rumour that went around work about how had he sex with an ex-coworker before they both started working here, this was a few years back. He admitted it was true to me and wanted to clarify everything with me directly. Not sure the exact intentions of the ex-coworker of spreading it but they had sex the day after she had broken up with her boyfriend and he was drunk but it consensual. He was super disappointed with the people who engaged in the gossip and seriously wanted to quit. He was afraid everyone thought of him as a “f***boy” and tried to personally clarify with everyone.

I want to confront him and ask him about all this. Yes, in part because of my feelings but I also don’t think I want to be friends someone like this. I don’t believe he was talking to other people when we were seeing each other. But I think it might be important to mention that we did have sex about a week into actually talking. I’m not sure why this pops into my head but there was this time I tried unlocking his phone as joke and then the next time I saw him I noticed he changed his passcode to something much longer. I do feel like there’s some truth to all this but to what extent I’m not sure. It will also just hurt knowing I might not have been anyone important to him and that he may possibly have been playing me. Though I genuinely believe we didn’t work out because we just weren’t compatible.

Who would you believe? I asked B why he didn’t tell me earlier and he thought we were close and that’s why he didn’t tell me. Although, B and I aren’t super close, we are genuinely friends so I don’t understand why he wouldn’t have told me when he knew about us? I don’t want A to confront B about this and for it to affect me and B’s relationship as we still work together. What would you do in this situation?

TLDR: I was told my fwb is a player and now I’m not sure if I want to continue the relationship.

  1. You won’t really get to the bottom of this by trusting other people’s word, because everyone here in these situations has a bias and is putting on some kind of spin. You have to just trust your OWN judgment and gut. You dated A or at least had a casual fling for a while, so you have enough to go by — trust your own experiences and your own read of the situation. When YOU interacted with A, he was toxic and shitty, yes? So it doesn’t matter what he says or what B says or what their mutual friends say. Maybe his exGF was a psycho, maybe he is a maligned victim of her rumor spreading, how can you ever really know? You can’t. But you CAN know that your assessment of A was that he’s toxic and something is off. He was toxic and immature, and then other people who interacted with him ALSO are saying he’s toxic and immature…

    Your own insight is the most valuable – think about this clear-headedly, and I think the answer will come to mind.

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