A couple hours ago I was having sex with my girlfriend, honestly probably a little too "soon" (very little foreplay) and it hurt a little at first, but eventually stopped and we kept going. A few minutes in, we stopped to change positions and noticed some blood—at first we thought it was her, but then noticed it was coming from me. She had a lot of blood on her and I was pretty much dripping, but it didn't hurt. From google, I'm pretty sure I tore my frenulum so I tried washing it in the shower to prevent an infection but it HURT when I tried pulling back my foreskin. Seeing lots of conflicting results on the internet and reddit, wondering what I should do—obviously I should wait to have sex and to wash down there, but I'm not sure for how long. Also seeing a lot about surgery, which I am open to but it really didn't seem that bad of a tear, probably just a lot of blood vessels. Should I wait and see if it tears again, or should I just bite the bullet and get this taken care of surgically?

P.S. as you can probably tell, I am not circumcised and we don't usually use a condom (she has an IUD)

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