my girlfriend only has a secret instagram with 0 followers. last week she used it to look at my (private) account. her account is a secret, and she didn’t want to follow me and expose it, so she used “suggested for you” to see who i follow. she noticed i follow some girls and immediately got insecure

instead of following me, she had her friend follow me to see if i unfollowed a specific girl she’s insecure about. i already told her i blocked her, without her even asking me to, but she needed more proof i guess. i strongly emphasis that we are a team, and we should act accordingly. this isn’t the behavior of a teammate, it’s the behavior of someone who wants a cold war with me. why can’t we just be chill?

i passed her test, now what? what do i feel about this? it seems this relationship is really toxic and it’s solely on her end. she’ll be the first to admit this. she’s one of the most insecure people in the world and will actively seek out reasons to validate her insecurities

she’s only 20 and is the sweetest girl ever. she really cares about me and i’m hoping this is just the behavior of a 20 year old girl and she’ll grow out of this insecurity in time. is this accurate? are people like this usually like this forever?

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