Hi to all wonderful men here 🤪
I would like to get your advice. 2 and half years ago, this guy (we can call him Charlie) texted me on IG out of blue. Long story short , we texted all the time, have really deep convos about life, love, families, future plans, he asked me out countless times, he invited me to join him for a trips many times,he asked me to go to his annual banquet at school with him and so much more. He tried all of this for 2 years , but I was in love with another one who I am currently dating. (However, our relationship is on the verge of breaking up and only now do I feel I'm ready to go out with Charlie). So i didnt go out with him, we did not see each other at all, but we obviously seen pictures, videos and sent voice messages all the time. We created mutual bond, which is hard to explain since we havent seen each other, but we both felt like this might be it if we vibe IRL like we do online. BUT, i cut contact with him year ago for half a year , because my boyfriend moved in with me, so i wanted to be respectful. Then this year i started to talk to Charlie again, he still was interested in meeting me, but not that much like he used to. But he suggested meeting with me several times, he was in my city for like a month and I still did not go out with him. I know, im stupid, but he is from another country and im afraid of talking in english with him, even tho im not afraid to talk in english with anyone else, because i couldnt care less about making some mistakes or forgot the words. I just dont want to embarass myself and I was also just a month after surgery, so I suggested meeting in september, but after this message he told me he is definitely down to meet up here in my city. He never told me his opinion about september, after that he texted me less and less, then he left me on seen, then replied to my story (selfie) and then left me on seen again. Im really interested in going out with him in september, because I will have my current relationship sorted out by then. But I think, after all the rejections he got from me, even tho I was showing interest in my text, just not in my actions, he finally let go and doesnt want to see me anymore. Could I turn this around and make him like me like he used to or is it lost case after all of this? What is your opinion please, what should a woman do in this situation ? 😓 i know i fucked up, but thats the past and i cant change that, so im trying to decide what to do now.

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