Need advice really confused

I gave this guy my number and we were texting and he was flirty. That was on a Friday. He’s scheduled to work the weekend. He almost gets in a fight with his coworker over something that happened at work and says he’s probably going to be looking for a new job. This was something that happened on Sunday.
Tuesday comes around and we’re supposed to see each other at work but he texts me and says he’s behind on work and won’t get to talk to me from having to explain to people what happened. I’m sad. Then later that Tuesday I text him and tell him hey if you want to vent about work I can listen. I don’t know what happened, but I hope it gets better. So it’s Friday now and he hasn’t responded, which makes me sad. And I just don’t know what to do? My mind keeps thinking and thinking and I’ve made my self crazy and just sad because I feel like I wasn’t worth a response. I don’t get how a guy can be so flirty and want to see me and then something bad happens at work and he goes radio silent.
Please help with any input!

TL;DR confused now he was flirty and wanting to see me and then something bad happened to him with his job and isn’t responding to me. Did I do something wrong or is this because of his job issue that he’s acting like this

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