As per title. I get that to build connections with people and the world around you, looks don’t matter if you’re a good, kind, fun, interesting, engaging person

*but I still suffer a near aneurysm of agony when I see my ugly face in the mirror*

I still go through rejections, ghosting, ignoring, one word replies, lack of peoples interest, complete apathy from the opppsite sex etc

Those are still painful things man. It’s genuinely tough coming to terms with just how real and constant they are, and trying to balance that with all other aspects of life like work, bills, hobbies, and still try to have fun.

It’s just always hanging over you, this feeling of what things could have been like if you just looked pretty. I’m sorry ok. It’s just a fact. Everyone has things that hang over them psychologically, and I think for us ugly guys, nothing is more relevant, constant and debilitating than the awareness Of how unattractive we are.

Sorry for ranting. Have a nice day.

Edit: I’m not one of those conventionally perfectly decent looking people having a bad day, I’m actually ugly, was born with a condition that mildly fucks a whole bunch of growth processes up to make me look within the range of normal, just unappealingly normal, If that makes sense. Ah fucken well.

  1. Being ugly is a blessing in disguise. Most people will avoid you. And most people suck.

  2. OK so I may look at you and think oh they’re ugly or Susie down the block might look at you and think oh you’re ugly but I have to tell you I I think that beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder because when I go out I see some women that say Occie ugly and then the dudes really hot or the dudes really ugly and the chicks really hot. So I definitely wouldn’t put all of your thoughts into oh I’m ugly of the snow that because somebody might look at you and be like oh hey how are you doing big Poppa or big mama so I would just like definitely just keep going about your life and somebody else see you and be like how are you doing

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