Some people are born into riches, good looking and all the good stuff….And that just drives me bad for being so average. They’ve got all of it just because they were born to a certain set of parents’ or family. I’d understand someone being rich, but now they’re good looking af too and healthy. Smh. I’m out here with a middle class salary, avg looking face and a chronic fatigue syndrome to add to that. If that wasn’t enough, my gfs keep leaving me for better guys. Not that I don’t treat them like a queen but they still want someone better; There’s nothing I can do now… I’ve peaked. How do I overcome this feeling?

  1. Don’t stress yourself over things that are out of your control. You cannot control the family & circumstances you were born into. Focus on what you can control. You can control your appearance, get into shape, get your hair and facial hair into a presentable & appropriate style for your facial structure, and dress well. If you’re not satisfied with your current income, look to either move up in your industry, shift your career into a new industry, or take a risk and start your own business. You control your destiny. Overall, just focus on what you have control over. What we cannot control is to not be stressed over.

  2. Yet there are probably millions worse off than you that wish they could be in your shoes

  3. Wealth and women does not guarantee happines. And we will all be equal when we rot in the dirt.

  4. I just don’t care. You have money? Great. You’re an asshole? Okay cool, piss off.

    I subscribe to a kinda hopeful form of Nihilism where I understand that in a couple decades we’ll all be a rotten mass of meat and bone, so who cares about status or riches or any of that?

  5. Hard for me to answer since im not a very jealous person but I tend to go “it is what it is” or “what happened happened and I cant change it”. Helps me focus on what I can change

  6. I’ve never been jealous of anyone so I really don’t understand how it feels. When I see someone’s better or privileged than me, I just get interested in their stories and stuff they’ve got. I’d be just curious how it feel they’re on their livings. I even like to listen to someone’s boast. Isn’t it interesting to see or hear experiences that we don’t have?

  7. Regarding chronic fatigue – I cured this with following Dr Saladino’s advice (pretty much lots of red meat/organs and fruit). Grains n sugar are absolute hell on our bodies.

    But to answer your question – we’re all gonna die, everything is a joke. Kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride 🙂


  8. I don’t get jealous because I just don’t care honestly. If you can’t be happy now with what you have then what makes you think you will be happier with 1000x more of it? Yes you will have more options, perhaps a model of a girlfriend, a sports car that almost any guy would trade there own for but very rarely you would see a woman go head over heels for, a yacht maybe? Last I checked the ocean isn’t owned by anyone. Your desires will eventually be the new norm for you, what then? You don’t have any drive that’s all, nobody ever “peaks” because if you have then you would have nothing else to live for, don’t be the guy that envy’s others, be the guy that others envy.

  9. Look at what is possible for yourself to get. Stay focused on making efforts to get those things instead of paying attention to what other people have.

  10. Since I was very young I was taught not to be a “hater” and to never be jealous or envious of other people. I was also told that if you want something bad enough, than go out and get it!!!

  11. I imagine that they have a very tiny limp penis and take pleasure in that.

  12. Relax, it seems like you are only focusing on the negatives. There has to be something exceptionally good about you (we all have something). Don’t think about what you have not, but rather think of how you would crave the things you have if they were not yours.

  13. The best way is to recognise the advantages you have.

    I’m useless at sports but I’m academically good, the sports thing was hard when I was young and I didn’t see the advantage of school work. Now I’m older I’m still bad at sports but I do well for myself.

  14. if you have enough goals that you’re genuinely and truly interested in pursuing with some level of consistency, you won’t notice a lot of those kinds of things around you because you’re very eager and hungry to build something for yourself.

  15. Are you jealous or envious, those are different things and it reads like envy rather than jealousy.

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