Long story guys. Trust me I know some of you will get angry, hell I am myself. My Ex (C) and I have known each other for about 8 years now. She’s 22 and I’m 26. We were friends for the 1st 3 years. Her life growing up wasn’t pretty by any means at ALL. Her mom was a drunk and a petty hateful person. She just now got sober about a year ago. After being put in a coma. I don’t think she quit drinking cause of the coma. I think she stopped cause she wasn’t allowed to see our son. He’s 2 years old now. I hope she stays sober but she still treats C like shit. So I know it’s not the liquor. I’m getting away from the issues here. Okay, I knew her upbringing would affect her life. C has a temper and an attitude. But I can handle it most days. The 1st 6 months was great. We were living together in her mom’s house. Then she started accusing me of cheating and that’s when the abuse started. She would throw water on me and hit me. I couldn’t do shit cuz I didn’t have any where to go. My family don’t want shit to do with me. She got pregnant with our son. About 6 months after he was born was when I 1st lay my hands on her. I was devastated but at the same time it stopped her putting her hands on me. Some nights I wish we never met. We just bring out the worse in each other. We got different parenting styles and can never compromise on nothing. She stays at home and I work. I can’t have any friends or family. I feel stuck. I don’t want to take our son from her cause she is a great mom just a shitty partner like I am. I promise her I wouldn’t take Ethan. I want that to be the one promise I didn’t break. I love being a dad but damn I can’t kick her out. She has no where to go and we certainly can’t live together. So I think it’s best if I move and start over.

  1. Anyone willing to abandon their child is a grade A prick. Move out l, work on yourself and be a dad to your kid. Time to grow up mate

  2. It might be a good idea to get your thoughts in order and make a plan. Maybe talk to a therapist. But please don’t just leave and never come back. There are ways to be a decent person and handle things like an adult- even if it is difficult.

    Never coming back is a cowardly move

  3. You can create a separate life without abandoning them. Be part of your son’s life or you’ll regret it forever and he’ll resent you.

  4. You really want your son to grow up in an abusive home? Because in my experience it’s only a matter of time before she turns her anger on him because you were to much of a coward to man up and do what you need to do for that INNOCENT child. Sorry if this sounds mean but i’ve seen that aftermath of both abusive homes and absent parents and i promise you it’s not good.

    It’s not about you anymore. It’s about that child who never asked for this situation. and if you can’t see that, there really are no words for the kind of person you are.

  5. What about this idea: move out, find a place of your own, and split custody of your kid, and continue to be in their life? I get the whole “I’m going out for a pack of smokes.” idea, but you have a kid! I’d be different if you wanted to leave a “Dear, Joan.” letter and no kids, but c’mon!

  6. Which is worse: breaking a promise, or abandoning your kid to grow up with abuse?

    I hope you make the right choice.

  7. Talk to some people whose parents went out to get milk and never came back and then see if you still wanna do that to Ethan

    Easier and better ways to handle this, though I understand why these thoughts are coming to you

  8. Don’t do that to your son. You could really hurt his chances for a happy life if you bail on him. Better to separate, but keep caring for your son too. He needs his dad.

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