First of all, I just need to vent a bit, don't search for any solutions or anything, don't worry everthing's fine for me and her 🙂

I'm M17 with F16 girlfriend for 10 months, she's the first person I've ever done the did with and honestly my first healthy relationship
Some days ago she started crying about something "inconceivable" (that were her words)
I thought she was going to tell me she cheated on me or she didn't love me anymore

No, she told me she never came
One day for reasons x that we won't say to make the story shorter
She simulated it, then thought it would be weird if she didn't continue, as if I'd feel like there's a problem

So for like 7 months, I thought I could make her cum quite often, sometime several time in a session
Well, I'm quite an idiot not understanding she was faking it, I mean, that's my first sexual partner so I couldn't really know

She was crying so much I really thought that'd be important
She thought I'd be mad asf or I'd loose my trust in her, those kinds of stuffs

But fuck dude I just felt bad asf for her and guilty that she had to do that
(for the info, everytime she "came", she felt bad and always told me she didn't know why)
When in reality I don't give a single fuck, dude the situation was so stressing that this thing means nothing, I thought I'd lose her this night
And that was something so not important
I feel bad for her since this day
It's going to stop with a bit of time

Of course I reassured her, telling her that I didn't care about sex at all, it's a bonus
That as long as she enjoys sex, I also do so there's no problem at all, she says she still loves doing it with me so everything is fine in theory
She also feels bad for lying to me for all this time
I honestly am not mad at her at all

That's all, I just had to vent it a bit, thanks for anyone who read that until the end, love you all <3
Always communicate with the partner
Even of the improbable stuffs, even of the stupid stuffs
Always talk, and never be ashamed of telling stuffs that could make your other half mad like simulating or stuff like this, problems need to be fixed and waiting by fear of revelation won't fix anything
Hope you all love your partner if your have one and that everything's going well for you, or just your life in general 🙂

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