So i’ve been dating this girl for a while now and it seems that were both in love with each other. The thing is she’s a person who overthinks stuff and like whenever she overthinks something sometimes she becomes sad and goes silent. Obviously ill talk and reassure her and ask again and again of what had happened and she’ll go back to her usual self after some time but yes she does go silent whenever she gets sad. Is this bad? Do you think its for now and with time it will reduce? Do you think with enough reassurance the future will be different?

Look, her silent treatment isn’t like to control me in some way, she doesnt go silent because she tells me something and I dont do it, no its not that kind of silent treatment but much rather whenever she becomes sad she goes silent. Sometimes she even becomes passive aggressive.

I know that if i leave her alone she’ll go back to her normal state after a day or 2 but i dont to see her like that and so i reassure her. So tell me is it a red flag?

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