So I'm kinda of bad at making friends. I have social anxiety and a fearful avoidant attachment style. I've been trying to get better over the years through therapy and a self help books but it's still kind of a struggle to fight my natural tendencies to be alone.

However, there is this one girl at my job whom I was hoping I could become friends with. She seems nice and has offered me a few rides to work before. Recently I started sitting with her when ever I saw her sitting outside for lunch. We talked and I think the conversations okay for the most part for the beginning stages of our relationship. However, sometimes she'll eat in her car instead and one time we sat with each other she hardly spoke to me and just looked at her phone(seemed slightly bothered/worried too). She even left me alone with her items (phone, lunch bag) for about 5-7 min while we were sitting outside that day (idk where she went off to during that time frame).

She seems to have friends herself but I only see them about 1-2 at a time. I have sat with her and her other friend before and I think things went okay. Although I guess I'm kind of worried. Is it weird to constantly keep sitting with this girl if she seems to go off somewhere else for lunch? Does it seem like I'm bothering her too much when she'd rather not sit with me? Could it just be that she's introverted and just need sometime alone at times or that maybe I go too sit with her too much when she doesn't want company?

I guess my fear/anxiety is that I'm coming off needy or annoying. Kind of like some stray kitten following someone around who show them a small bit of kindness. Could it be that she feels burdened and obligated to talk to me when she doesn't want to just out of kindness? Or am I just being too anxious over the entire thing?

Some good advice/suggestions would be much appreciate~

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