# Hi Reddit, I never really do any of these kinds of things but this time I’m seriously stumped.

I love watching action films with violent punch outs or intense shootouts, but my new girlfriend can *NOT* stand them, the blood, bulletholes, and any wound in general *really* rubs her the wrong way. She told me she once watched an action movie with a specific gorey scene which left a scar til this day (she almost passed out).

Since the day she told me this I’ve been wary when it came to picking the movie for the night, hell, I’ve been teaching myself to watch romantic movies. And it’s all been smooth sailing, but I can tell I’ve hit a rock. As many people out there, I cannot stretch enough how passionate I am about Breaking Bad, every little shot, scene, episode, tension between characters, everything, I absolutely love everything about it. And that’s when trouble comes in, there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to re experience that show with her, and that really annoys me.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand her disturbance against the genre and I’ve even been adapting myself to it, and speaking the obvious, I would never put herself through something that she will not enjoy, but this personal relic of mine has been itching to be watched along someone important to me.

I know by now that there sure is no real ‘fix’ to all this but to it just not happening, but already writing this down and, hopefully, getting some answers will be enough to put my mind at ease.

  1. I have PTSD stemming from violence and struggle with violent movies. Does she have a violent past?

  2. Watch comedy, drama, romance and even some vintage mysteries with her (check out The Thin Man flicks- hilarious, mild suspense, minimal violence (not graphic) and no gore at all) and indulge in your love of action & grittier plots on your own.

  3. Watch it with a close friend. You don’t have to share every single thing with your SO. I have to go to the spa with my mum and sister because my husband just gets bored, and he hates rollercoasters and even water slides so going to a theme park is off the cards as something we would do together. And I am sure he would love if I was as passionate about music as he is and got invested with him about new albums or going to gigs. I wish it was different but these are the sacrifices we make to be with someone we love. You can find plenty of other things you have in common.

  4. Learn to understand that your s/o doesn’t have to share every little thing with you; that you can enjoy this genre and save it for other people, and watch others with her. It’s a very young thing to be annoyed that your s/o can’t experience everything with you. Diversify. Good luck. OP.

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