Never thought I’d be posting here but here we go. My ‘30M’ mom‘55F’ is moving across the country to be closer to my brother and I in the anticipation of either us having children. My wife and I actually bought a small house that she and her husband ‘54M’ could live in at a subsidized by us rent. My brother and I flew to where she lived to pick up the truck while she and her husband would come to the new city in a few days.

The drive went fine, but while we were unloading we saw a box fell over during the ride and its contents were all over the truck… it was hand drawn porn. Cartoony, but some of the “art” in question are definitely minors. It was her husband’s work for sure and there was a box full. Thousands of drawings and very graphic. We’ve always felt uneasy about the guy because of how ready he is to talk to younger girls in public at a moments notice, but this made it much more apparent. They’re very religious (though my brother and I are not) and he was even a youth pastor in the small town they were in.

Seeing this and knowing how he behaves proved to us that we should not let our future children near him. Wives made that known as well of course. So, how do I break it to my mom on what he’s been doing? I know that she’s going to be devastated especially after selling her house and moving here.

EDIT: There are clearly some drawn images with children.

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