What lead to this way of life? What do you like and dislike about it (pros and cons)?

  1. This is becoming more and more common as just existing becomes more and more expensive.

  2. Why spend 30-50% of my income to billionaire corporate owned real estate, or a slimy slumlord when i can:

    Spend precious time with my parents

    Help them as they age

    Cook cozy home meals together

    No rent, just contribute errands here and there, save crazy amounts of money

  3. Leaving your parents house is part of becoming an adult. 

    It forces you to grow and survive.

    Your parents won’t always be there and they might even need your help in the future.

    Think about it, would you rather be someone who has their own place, pays bills, and works for a living, or the person that still gets dinner made for them, doesn’t need a job, and has zero responsibility.

    Your parents did their job, now it’s time to do yours.

    Plus who wants to be with someone who still lives with mom and dad.

  4. I lived away when I was in college and then moved back because I needed a job.

    But then the Great Recession happened and we both needed to watch money.

    By the time that finished, I was financially fine, but my Mom isn’t. She simply doesn’t make enough to afford the house payment.

    So why am I going to move out to an apartment, and live on my own and watch my Mom slowly lose the house? Makes no sense.

    So I’m here, I pay the bills, she pays the bills and we both get to live in the house and nobody ends up homeless

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