Today is my 17th birthday and I still have never had a gf. I'm good looking, a lot of girls tell me that but I just can't manage to get to the relationship stage with any girl. I live in Germany but I'm half croatian and half bosnian. I can't imagine being with a girl who isn't croatian or bosnian.
It's hard to find a girl who's bosnian or croatian in Germany, because I live in a very small town and there are no croatian or bosnian girls nearby. So I search for a gf in Croatia, because every holiday I go to Croatia. Last New Year I went out with my friends and I linked with a girl who was in the club. But after one month she removed me from all social media. Then I found a bosnian girl in Germany who lived two hours away from me. We met at a party and snapped after that but she also removed me from social media after some time. Then I actually wanted to try something with a polish girl and everything was ok then she went back to her ex. And the most recent story is this: my friend from Croatia showed a picture of me to a girl from school and she said she thinks I'm really attractive and that she will go out with me. She added me on snap and we snapped a lot and texted even spoke through calls for 25 days. She was behaving like I was her boyfriend. And now I came to Croatia and made a bday party and invited her and some other people. She came and everything was going great at the beginning but then she just kind of changed. I asked her girl friends to ask her what's going on and they asked her and told me that she isn't ready for a relationship because she is traumatized from her past relationship and she wants a break. I just don't know what I do wrong to f everything up with every girl. The first three girls I think I was too passive when texting and speaking to. But with the latest girl I really don't know what l did wrong and I'm not sure what I should do now.

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