I’m hoping this is something many people go through, but right now I have zero insight into where to go next.

I’ve largely accomplished what I set out to do as a kid / teen. I moved to the city I wanted across the country, bought the car / place to live I dreamed of, work in the industry I wanted, have a beautiful fiance and dog – the works!

I’m just finding it so difficult to map out the next move in life. Continuing this work/weekend cycle for 20 years (and throwing in kids to the mix) sounds … less than ideal.

Have any of you encountered something similar before? What’d you change / do?

  1. Find a mentor who can ask you all the relevant questions. From your answers will come a number of choices you can weigh. Then, choose.

  2. I hear you. I’m 38 and kids did not happen for us (not sure if good or bad). My SO and I are at the point where we are wondering if we should adopt, stay DINKs, or focus on climbing the company ladder.

    Throughout my history I have always been driven to accomplish goals and that has been difficult and rewarding, but the older I get the more disillusioned I become about material things, but I also not crazy about the possibility of changing diapers either. There have been some real existential thoughts rolling through my mind and most of them are focused on enjoying my life and the people in it that matter.

    Total first world problem, but I get tripped up by the “what” would make it enjoyable, but it is something that is interesting and pleasant to ponder. The road ahead is much more ambiguous and less defined, but take nothing for granted and remember that this is it.

  3. From 🇵🇭. Context: Contentment is not looked upon as a bad thing over this side of the world. The catch is: you gotta know how to be. From what you’ve written, seems like you could flip on the contentment switch and relish the life you’ve built for yourself. If you can handle it, make the load heavier by enriching the lives of your biological parents as well as your in-laws.

  4. I occasionally have the illusion, but can’t honestly say I’ve ever truly had any idea what the fuck I’m doing. But life is great. Build the plane while you fly brotha…

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