me (19f) and my bf (22m) have been dating for 6 months. he lives about an hour away so he comes once a week. he’s very affectionate and sweet to me but he’s not very… touchy. we have sex maybe 2-3 times a month and it’s very strange to me. i’m hyper sexual and this isn’t the first relationship i’ve been in – and my partners have never matched my sex drive but they’ve never been far behind. it’s just been really hard adjusting to this but is it normal? i’ve never been with a vanilla guy so for those of you out there who aren’t kinky – what are your opinions? i’m also gonna add that im a curvier girlie (he’s always told me he likes that and even while ive been trying to lose weight he’s said stuff like “just don’t lose the thickness okay?”) do u think he’s just turned off?

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