TLDR: we went on a first date. Messaged her how she think the date went from 0-5 on the same day. No reply for nearly 3 days now.

I know there’s been countless of post regarding double texting but I needed you guys opinion about my specific situation.

So I matched with a girl [23F] from my university. We set up a date and she agreed but we hadn’t really set up when. She ghosted for a while(3 days). I texted her again she said she was busy with uni work. So I decided to just give my WhatsApp and she could decide if she’s still down.

4 days later I was already over it thinking she’s not interested anymore. She messaged me in WhatsApp and finally set up the date. We texted back and forth leading up to the date pretty consistently.

The date itself went good from my point of view. I think she was enjoying it. Made her laugh a few times. Talked about deep personal stuff. So afterwards I asked if there’s going to be a second one. And she said yes. This was Saturday. I messaged her later that night what she think of the date. No reply

Fast forward to now (Tuesday) still no reply. I would like to hear your opinion about this. Should I message her again or just move on?

  1. If you ask someone what do they think of s first date and they don’t reply for 3 days, then leave it.

  2. This isn’t ghosting. Someone you don’t know simply not texting you for 3 days isn’t “ghosting”. I haven’t texted my friend back in 4 days. I am quite clearly not “ghosting” her.

    There’s no harm in messaging her again just asking how she is and how was her weekend and stuff. If she doesn’t reply to that text then you know the answer, just phase out chatting to her and if she wants to come to you, she will.

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