I’m a 35y/female and my bf is a 31y/mar.
Instead of feeling happy and secure when he asked me to be his gt, I constantly question if he will stay with me and I get mad if he doesn't give me daily reassurance and validation.

Idk if it's okay to feel this way. I'm projecting my insecurities onto him.

example: I made dinner, put the food in front of us and he didn't start eating. He stayed looking at the tv. I'm like I thought you were hungry, do you feel nausea or something?
He said no I'm watching and pointed to the tv.

It was the tiniest thing but I can't stop thinking my food was bad or I annoyed him and that's why he waited to eat.

TL:DR I worry and overthink about interactions/ convos with my bf all day long. He doesn't do anything wrong but idk how to stop.

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