I have some old friends whom I've known a long time and we have a lot of mutual friends some of which are related to these friends whom I'm closer to and do lots of things with. The friends I don't want to hang out with haven't been the greatest of friends to me of recent, though they act like they are. They are trying to get together and I just really don't want to hang out and feel like they are a different chapter in my life and I don't want to go back there. But I also don't want to end it with drama because I am friends with family members of one of them that I am very close to and do lots of things with their family members. The other friend we have a lot of mutual friends from HS on social media. All of those friends think this person is one of my BFFs but she is not. They keep group texting asking to get together and I don't want to. How do I politely say no.

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