There is this guy i know for over 14 years now. He works fulltime as a truckdriver and in his free time he plays videogames watches anime and drinks beer at a local bar almost daily. He is not really a talker and kinda a loner. He only hangs with dudes. His inner circle is very small and mutual to mine.

We both were in a unhealthy relationship back in 2012. And we started getting a very strong physical attraction towards each other.
We started kissing each other and eventually even end up having sex. we ended both our relationships and moved on as friends with benefits.

I dated a lot and every year we see each other at a annual party from mutual friends. And the tension between us never faded. We had some slips here and there over the years. And we text almost every week because of our mutual interest in Manga.

Now i’m in a open relationship with another guy. and i started texting him again. Mostly sexting and he responded like usual. He knows about my open relationship. And so far i know it’s not an issue for him because he flirted back and stuff.

And at the annual party last weekend we passionately made out. He was arroused i could tell because I stroked a bit. I wanted more but he refused because he said he was too drunk. And since then he has been very distant on texts.

It is really bothering me because, in these 12 years he never dated anyone else and I’m basically the only action he had in all this time. why would he refuse my offer?
Is it because he might have feelings for me or that he lost interest? Is he insecure about something? He is not really a talker and i don’t wanna come of as desperate or something.

As for me i don’t wanna lose the chemistry nor the friendship. But I’m not interested in dating him. And i just want to be in good terms with him again. But the ghosting is not helping.

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