We have been married for 5 years and I think we are happy.

But tonight my wife was laughing a lot at a silly video on Instagram. It was a baby trying to say “happiness” but because he was a baby learning to speak, it seemed like he was saying happy penis. That was the funny part of the video.

She came to show me the video on her phone and I saw that she had sent the video to my best friend.

I thought it was strange because we have been living abroad for a few years now and I haven’t kept in touch with my friends back home much.

I confess that I was bothered by her sending this type of video to a male friend of mine because receiving a happy penis video out of the blue from someone you haven’t seen in a long time can be strange and give rise to misinterpretation.

I immediately calmly expressed my discomfort to her, but she got angry, saying it was nothing serious and that she was just trying to make my friend laugh.

I believe her, but I told her to be careful with the type of videos she sends to people to avoid misunderstandings. I clearly felt a double standard because knowing her well, I know that she wouldn't like me sending happy penis videos or other sexual things to her female friends.

We ended up getting into an argument and she decided to delete the message and told me that she would never send videos to my friends again. I promptly told her that she didn't need to do that. I was just asking her to be more careful with the types of videos she sends to my friends.

What would you do in this situation?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Sometimes I feel like every time I express a discomfort to her, we end up fighting over the most silly reasons.

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