i need immediate help. please don't judge me , i have an anxiety disorder that i'm seriously struggling to handle and i am going on holiday next week and i have been having constant anxiety about how i'm goingn to be while i'm there. recently i was reading a reddit post about people with adehonia and i saw how some people explained how when they get kissed or hugged they feel 'empty and numb' and 'nothing in their heart' i understand that this is what adehonia does to you, but for some reason i went into instant panic when i read it thinking that everytime i get hugged or kissed i'm going to think about that comment now everytime i hug or kiss someone my heart drops and i go into a panic attack and this isn't the first time it's happened , this happens with other things too , and now i'm super worried that i'm going to worry about this on holiday. i know deep down that deep down this isn't serious and people was just sharing their experiences but my anxiety is finding every reason to worry. i keep trying to tell myself that people are just literally sharing their edpieriences of how they feel and that it has nothing to do with me but it's so hard. if anyone could give me advice and really prove to me that this isn't sometbing to get anxious about that would help because it's starting to make me physically nauseous.

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