My entire life I’ve been a people pleaser. I just wanted everyone to like me, which is unrealistic and often times shallow. Everything I would do or say, regardless of the person, I had to be perfect or “nice”. I’d filter my thoughts 24/7 to the point where I’d simply say nothing. But it has been exhausting trying to keep up with that constant processing. So over time I’ve begun to pull away from my people pleasing tendencies. 

The issue is, now I feel as though I’m the exact opposite. People are taken aback by my sarcasm (which I personally find sarcasm fun but not everyone does I guess). Sometimes I’ll have good intentions, and yet when I say my thoughts out loud without my “people pleasing filter”, it comes out the wrong way or I accidentally offend. Other times I come off as judgmental when I’m stating an opinion. As I’m writing this, I’m trying to figure out if this is just the “people pleasing” part of my brain having a crisis, or if I’m genuinely being rude. 

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