It's a hospital affiliated fitness center with a full weight room, 2 classrooms for yoga, and a large treadmill/bike room. One of the 2 classrooms is upstairs, and the other downstairs. When yoga is not in session, the room is empty, lights off, and door closed (but not locked).

Am I allowed to just randomly go in there, turn on 1 light, grab a yoga mat, and start doing my daily stretch exercises for low-back pain? I find it extremely difficult to motivate myself to do them at home and as a result, only do them a couple times per week when they truly need to be done daily.

Is this one of those cases where it's wiser to ask forgiveness than to ask permission? I'm sure nobody cares if a paying member is using an unoccupied room for legit purposes, right? I'd ask a worker there but it just seems so weird to think I'm that special, and in my head the conversation would be really awkward. (i.e. "main character" syndrome-esque)

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