I love my boyfriend, I'm not ashamed of that fact he's a man and I'm a man and I love him, my family and friends are cool with every bit of who we are and it's awesome! Id probably never date another man again if we broke up though, he's the only dude I've ever been attracted to so I'm not really involved in a lot of mlm stuff.
But for context when we were in school I used to literally walk home with him everyday, we get along incredibly well and he's the funniest MFER I've ever met. Everyone knew this, I've watched his siblings grow up from how much I've been around like we've been together literally forever now.

I was 14 when I told him I started having romantic feelings for him and he said he did to, we've been incredibly happy and it's been amazing to watch him grow up.

I never thought I would be with someone from middle school to adulthood but here we are, and honestly I couldn't ask for a better partner. I want to marry him one day and I truly mean that.

Big issue though, his entire family has no idea, I stay over at his house at least 2 days a week and he will visit my apartment for actual weeks and somehow they still dont know? He hasn't told them, he kept telling me he wanted to wait until we're adults…. But we're adults now. Ya we're still immature, we're young, but I want to be validated as a partner!

His brother's girlfriend lives with them and OH MY GOD it makes me jealous. It makes me jealous, Seeing them called eatchother babe in front of his family with no one caring, seeing them cuddle eatchother. Like an I crazy for feeling like I'm keeping a huge secret?? It makes me feell bad, I can't put it into exact words.

I'm honestly not to sure if these feelings are valid because I understand that he doesn't want to be shunned by his family but it's not like there incredibly homophobic or anything.

I guess I can just keep it a secret but I think these emotions have been piling up the last four years and I'm feeling very affected by them.

And I've talked to him multiple times about how I want his family to know were a couple and not just bff's but hes afraid of what his mom might think.

I'm considering just ripping the bandaid off and telling them. I don't want to hurt him and I feel like that's selfish to do but it feels wrong to keep lying and it SUCKS ASS!!! like I'm really gonna be his "friend" to them? My whole life??? Fuuuuuc

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