This guy in my algebra class in HS, had his friends talk to me and eased himself into the conversation, they asked where I was from and when I mentioned I'm arab and that most people don't know he said no I can tell. He had his friends figure out my name as the new girl and whispered to them to get my name and left to go to the bathroom when they did, this was a month after coming to the school. He then sent a note through this paid thanksgiving thing in hs and it said "You're turnt" but he didn't put his name on there just his last name that hinted that he was latino as we had a discussion about him being latino but I didn't know his name and when class time came he sat behind me but didnt say anything, just kept coughing and dropping his phone and getting close to me. He did move sits and sat behind me and I was sitting in a area alone and secluded. He talked to me once and he had come all the way from where he sat to sit behind me and got very close in my face and asked me if I understood what the assignment was about after he saw me talk to the teacher, I said yes even though I didnt understand anything and he sat behind me and asked if I can explain it to him but I then told him that I didnt understand it. He did this thing where he put his phone underneth my seat as he was charging it cause I was near the extension cord and got really really close to me, he also kept exiting the classroom at the exact same time I exited so if I left early he would hurry up to leave when I left and if I left late he would leave late too, and if we were walking in the same direction he would get really close and then walk infront of me but always looking to the side so I can see his face. I didnt rly like him but I wanted to know what his intentions were. There were more things that he did but writing all of it would be kinda long but it involved no talking.I think maybe he thought I was the smart girl and that he was trying to take advantage of me or maybe he had an arab fetish and I was the only arab in school, wish he had the guts to talk to me or ask me out but Idk. Did he like me?

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