Been talking to this guy on and off since March but within the last month we got a lot closer. This is also someone I knew of when I was growing up. He reached out to me on fb in March and just to note he also lives about 7 hours from me. We spoke a few times on the phone but majority was via WhatsApp. He opened up to me about struggling with addiction and is currently in the early days of recovery. I fully supported him and was there no matter what as best I could be. I completely fell for him and he says the same for me but yesterday he told me he couldn’t do everything with holding down a job, managing recovery and his feelings for me. I messaged him and said I understand but I’d be there for him whenever he’s ready and if he wants to speak again. I haven’t heard from him since. I am struggling so much I have spent the last 24 hours crying. I love him and I just wish I could do more. What do I do? Do I reach out? Or do I just give him some space. I worry bc he struggles with his mental health and am desperate to know he’s ok. Anyway please let me know what I should do. I don’t want him to slip through the cracks as I feel I had a meaningful connection with him I’ve never had with anyone else.

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