So my wife and I had sex after she had come back and wanted to stay together. We had a long talk and then one thing let to another. After, it had smelled down there so I told her and I remembered she had a UTI but I got confused with bacterial vaginosis. She said how do you know and I said I remember one of my exs had that smell. Yea I really fucked up. She finally comes back to me and I say that shit I have no idea what possessed me. Then I forcibly laugh a bit (as I do when I have to say serious news idk why) which made it 10x worse and now she feels insecure around me. Idk what to do and I have no idea why I did any of that. I love her to death and I don’t want to ruin her returning but I feel like I solidified why she left in the first place.

Also, I don’t hate her and I just sometimes say mean things when I don’t realize I am saying them. I really never ever meant to hurt her

  1. >Also, I don’t hate her and I just sometimes say mean things when I don’t realize I am saying them.

    What kinds of “mean things” do you say to your wife unintentionally? And how often?

    Also, according to your post history your wife wants to divorce you and ran away from home as of a few days ago but then returned. Does she still want that divorce?

  2. Both of you need to relax and just take care of it. If she smells like a UTI she probably has one. Theuly have a distinct scent that anyone can pick up on.

    Apologize for the laugh and making her feel self conscious, but both of you should get checked for UTI and treat it before the infection gets more serious.

  3. Well you completely screwed that one up. Imagine if she said equivalent things to you and then laughed, how would you feel about it?
    You can apologise to her, but don’t be surprised if she decides this isn’t something she can get over.

  4. Okay, yeah… that was a big fuck’up dick move…BUT… You can still save it, I believe… Go to her and communicate reality with her, meaning, tell her exactly how you told us here… laugh NOT AT HER, but at YOURSELF, and just tell her you dkwtf you did there and make it about YOU being a der’der’dork, and blame it on you being nervous and lost your mind, like when you guys first got together.

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