2 years ago I caught her talking to a guy she met on the internet and was shocked to see they were exchanging sexually explicit messages and pictures. It shook me to the core that a.) she’s cheating and b.) it was a man. She’s always identified as lesbian and I didn’t even know she was into men like that. I don’t have a problem with her being bisexual but the messages have been bothering me since.

We had a few sessions of marriage counseling and decided to work it out. It’s always in my head that she would rather be with a man and that I am not enough for her. Her family is also very conservative and has never really accepted our marriage. They refused to even come to our wedding.

During sex I can’t even finish since then because I’m in my head about it the whole time. Before this happened I used to be the one that always initiated sex and that always bothered me and we had many discussions about it and it never changed. Now I don’t even try to initiate and well you know where this is going….should I be over this by now or is this something that will always be on my mind? I’m worried she isn’t telling me the truth because she doesn’t want to break up our family. Any advice is appreciated!

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