So today I parked by the school to pick children up, I know bad person but it’s 5 miles, we moved and they are settled, so didn’t move them. There is a whole Facebook group moaning about everything around the school. A man was out today taking pictures of the ice cream man who was legally parked. If you don’t like kids why move over the road from a school.
I don’t like like the ice cream man btw he costs me money, I don’t take cash to school for that reason. So the question is why move by a school if you just want to complain?

  1. I have complained about this sort of thing but mainly because cars do not leave enough room when parking on the pavement (usually on double yellows) for a wheelchair to get past so users have to cross the road. People need to park further away and fucking walk.

    I regularly take a girl out who uses a wheelchair so I know first hand what a pain this is and how selfish these drivers are.

    I also HATE people turning around in my driveway. I don’t care if I live opposite a school, you do not turn around in my fucking driveway.

  2. I’m on both sides of this equation because I live near a school (it’s opposite the entry to our estate) and I take my kids to another school (we also moved to the next town over).

    I have no problems with the principle of parents driving their kids to school. I am one such person who has to since we live 5 miles away and I head into the office straight after. I have a big problem with the lazy fucks who will park in the closest possible space to the school regardless of whether it’s a good place to park. To them it seems to make no difference whether they’re parking on a junction, on a crossing, over someones drive…they don’t seem to care at all. They almost all drive huge SUV’s and have no ability to drive them or gauge their size. If they end up in a passing manoevre then they just freeze and wait for the other person to go around. I am convinced that some of them are completely unable to reverse their huge cars.

    I park a reasonable distance away where there’s more space and less through traffic, call me crazy, but I actually have to walk for a few minutes between where I park and the school gates….and it hasn’t killed me yet.

  3. He might have just been an ice cream van spotter or a harmless sex pest.

  4. I live next door to a school and it’s really not a problem. Myself and my partner both work 9-5 Monday to Friday and providing you avoid the half hour between 8.30 and 9 or 3.00 to 3.30 traffic isn’t an issue. On the plus side, no loud parties, no idiots revving cars at midnight, no neighbour disputes, the council cut the hedge twice a year and we have an endless supply of footballs.

  5. Because a school isn’t the only building in a local community, and parents thinking their little scrotes shit glitter doesn’t mean they gain the legal right to be absolute bellends.

  6. Some of the people could have lived nearby for a long time. I’ve found school parking seems to have gotten more and more extreme in recent years- parking on peoples drives/ blocking cars in/ parking on double yellows. So in the past the minor irritation of the odd inconsiderate person every now and then has become a daily annoyance

  7. I live across from a school because I loved the house, and that supercedes my annoyance with children.

    I don’t mind the noise or the parents parking up, but my two bugbears are:

    1) Don’t park on my fucking driveway or park across my drive.

    2) Wee arseholes chucking litter into my garden isn’t just “kids being kids”.

  8. Thing is most schools have playgrounds which can be accessed by vehicles. Why don’t the schools open up the gates at opening and closing times to create a drop off zone. I’m sure it could be done with a bit of thought. Glad to see some newer schools being built have designated drops offs (the sort of thing you see in American films).

  9. I am not saying about idiots blocking drives and walkways and on the yellow zig zags. The ice cream man was perfectly legally parked. Done 14 years of school runs and got one ticket which was a fake one. Because I blocked the road off, it was clear when I parked but someone parked opposite me which blocked the road. We both got a fake ticket and a talking too.

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