Hey all, bit of a sensitive topic that I'm kind of worried about. I don't mean to be graphic but there is a bit of detail to clarify what's happening.

Basically how I orgasm has changed. Beforehand I could really intensely feel the semen travelling up my shaft and it felt fantastic. Also it would typically shoot out and I'd get pre-cum really easily.

I had a really stressful year last year. I suffer from anxiety anyway, I was finishing studies, going through a career change, working 4 jobs and in October went through a break-up. It was pretty traumatic, I had to bring my partner to a psych ward because they were suicidal. The relationship fell apart soon after but the whole thing was pretty traumatic for me.

It was during that time I noticed the change in how I came. I found it a lot harder, no pun intended, to get/keep a boner, the pre-cum disappeared, that sensation of the semen travelling up dulled considerably and the cum would come out with very little force.

I went to a GP in January 2024, we did a bunch of blood tests but he said it may well just be psychological and the mind can have affects on the body we don't fully understand. The tests all came back clear and in fairness things have greatly improved but it's not back to how it was this time last year. There was one instance recently where it actually felt a bit like pins and needles just before I came.

Just wondering if anybody else has experienced anything similar or has any advice? I also just turned 35 so I'm wondering is it an age thing? I'm working a lot on my mental health and that's gotten a lot better. I'm down to 2 jobs now, also back training at the gym and have recently stopped drinking. But yeah, still worried.

Thanks for any advice.

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