To preface—I work in a nursing home, so we still have to wear masks due to COVID guidelines.

So my coworker (28M) asked me (28F) out on a dinner date. Honestly, I really like him, but I am a little nervous because he has not seen me without a face mask. I have pretty low self esteem when it comes to my appearance (even though people have told me I am somewhat above average), and I am worried that he won’t think I am as attractive without my mask on. I am also worried he has a different idea of what my face will look like. Has anyone dealt with this situation before?

  1. Oh well, maybe he likes you for you personality or your body. Face is only one aspect.

    What if you had weird birthmark or webbed toes. What if he’s missing all his teeth? Or has pencil mustache? Is it possible you have a name badge with with photo and he’s actually already seen your face?

  2. I think your worrying about nothing. If he’s the type of guy who will ask you out without seeing your face then I doubt he’s going to care. Unless you have a full beard of something….

  3. He asked you out on a date because he enjoys your company, not because of the way you look. I’m not saying you’re ugly, but I’m just saying that it seems to me like he values your personality and conversation more than your looks (simply because he asked you out without even seeing your face). You wouldn’t want to have it any other way either. I think going out with someone just because some DNA strands constructed a beautiful face or body shouldn’t be the main reason to start a relationship. Best of luck to you, I’m sure you’ll be fine (:

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