Long story short, my ex (20M) and I (20M) broke up a few months back after a great yet short relationship because he felt stressed / anxious / overwhelmed by school, his parents, and our (1hr drive) distance. Essentially he told me he wasn’t good enough for me. I should find someone better looking, taller, etc, and that he felt horrible for not having enough time for me (even though I was content with what we had). So he ended it but we agreed to keep in contact as friends

Over the last few months, we went weeks / months without contact, slowly started dropping streaks / unfollowing on Facebook / spam accounts, etc. Once in a while a check in text (mostly from me), but nothing crazy. Only brief.

A week ago I posted a picture of where I was on vacation to my snap story. We had talked a little the previous week just about posts / how we were, nothing too deep. He hits me up, and it starts by talking about the trip, how we are, our families – then we go down a 45 minute conversation about our deep feelings and how we’re doing regarding the breakup.

He told me that he misses me. He told me that he thinks about me every day, and that he regrets what he did (wishes he had a “better reason”), and that he feels horrible for me. He all that, and then he tells me there’s “someone better” out there for me. Someone taller and better looking then him. And that he’s a mess.

We agreed to keep in contact, and we talked for a few days after that, but communication slowly dwindled, and he didn’t reply to my past couple snaps. It’s just kind of confusing because he said he misses me and that he wants to talk to me but then he makes minimal effort.

I guess I’m just wondering what I should do. Should I try to get back with him? Should I wait and see? Should I try to convince him he’s wrong? To me, he seems depressed / anxious / insecure, and I wish he understood that he is enough.

TL;DR: Should I get back with my ex that dumped me because of insecurity / depression / lack of time, or wait it on / attempt to move on?

1 comment
  1. He’s hoping you’ll break up with him for good. That level of insecurity isn’t cute and he needs to work on that

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