Even if we keep fit, eat healthy, reduce stress, get sleep etc. At what age do men start to notice real physical changes (facially and bodily)?

  1. I get 30 this year and for the first time I get noticeable dry skin in my face. Enough that I got me cream.

  2. Just look at the difference between a baby and a 10 year old. At no point in a man’s life is a decade so drastic in the change.

  3. From what I’ve seen, the very last few years of life are the most drastic change. My grandad went from being one of the healthiest old men that I’d ever met, ten pushups a day, maintaining a massive garden all by himself, including carrying 20kg bags of compost up and down the garden, up and down ladders to collect fruit from his trees etc at the age of 78, to barely able to stand and talk by 83. Those last five years were the most drastic change I’ve ever seen someone undergo.

  4. 25.

    25 is the magic number. After 25 every year you wake up on your birthday your present is some new ache or medical issue.

  5. I’m 39 now, felt like things started going down hill around 34. Hangovers became brutal, random injuries, mid life crisis type mental stress.

  6. 50’s and 60’s. All those unhealthy lifestyle choices come home to roost. Those who were physically active also experience the pain of over-used body parts. It hits you both ways.

  7. Certain occupations age faster ie comstruction workers who stay in the sun all day. Its not your age that ages you its your lifestyle

  8. I think you can be good up to 70. After 70, most of what Ive seen is a steep fall off a cliff. So enjoy things before then

  9. I would say that no matter how healthy you’ve lived your life, the odds of not having a significant, rapid decline at 75-85 are very low. I knew one man that still climbed and even jumped between ladders when he was 85 years old. Every other man I knew that was still strong at 70 was either frail or dead by 80.

  10. Mid thirties hit me hard. I couldn’t bounce back by orders of magnitude. Plus a gut, grey hair, and wrinkles.

    I might answer this question differently once I get into my 40s more.

  11. 50 upwards. Eyesight, joints, mental ability, physical endurance and recovery, healing, all fading fast.

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