I’m 22 years old, and he is 23. We’ve been married for one year. During this year, I feel like I’ve literally become a mom to him.

I make money while he stays at home playing games. I’ve suggested some projects for him to do, but he didn’t want to give them a try.

I cook meals for him daily and also do the laundry.

I feel like I’m losing myself more and more. Taking care of all the little things has made me completely numb to the world.

I love him, but I don’t think this is a healthy way to continue. He needs to become independent, and I need to find myself again, so I’ve decided to get a divorce.

But when I talked openly about this with him, he said that nobody would want me anymore because I’m now a “low-value” person. He told me that no man would treasure a woman who has already been married.

I want a partner in my life, but I’m afraid of being alone. I don’t know if what he said is true or not. I’m quite scared that when I meet someone new and tell him I’ve been married, it will turn him off.

Do you have any advice for me?

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