For background, me and my bf have known each other since middle school and have been dating for 3 years (since junior year of HS) so we know our friends and we communicate who we hang out with.

But recently, I seen a Snapchat notification from a username of a girl I’ve never heard of and it raised a brow for me. We communicate about who we hangout with and it felt odd never hearing him talk about this mystery girl and only finding out about her from a snap notification. In an effort to try and figure out her identity, I went to our texts and remembered he sent me a screenshot from snap and it showed their snap streak score which was at 850. It made me realize they’ve been talking for over two years and I never heard him even mention her once to me. I checked the name on his insta and tiktok following and he doesn’t have her (I’m assuming) on either. Apparently they went to school with us as well but I can’t put a name to face. When I asked him who she was all he said was that she was in one of his classes. I’m a little sketch because I’ve never heard of this girl our entire relationship, before and while dating.

He treats me extremely well but I can’t stop thinking about this . I don’t know if I’m thinking too much into it but I can’t get over that they’ve been snapping for over 2 years and idk who she is.

I don’t know if I’m overreacting about this but it just seems odd because we always talking to each other about the friendships we have and who we hang out with, but I’ve never heard anything about this girl. What should I do? Should I leave it alone or is there another route I should take about the situation?

TL;DR: basically I saw he was snapping a girl and found out they had a streak of 850 but I don’t know who she is and we’ve been dating for three years. Idk what to do.

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