What do you do and what does your partner do for a living?
How does it affect your relationship?

  1. We are both educated professionals. Her job is as is important to me as it is important to her. I want her to be happy at her job. We support each other in our careers.

  2. I don’t need to want to do my spouse’s job, but I need to find it interesting enough to talk about at dinner and ask questions.

  3. My wife is a VP of a bunch of hospitals. I am a teacher. Her job is very important. It supports my school habit.

  4. I think it’s important in terms of how it affects their life: are they happy/fulfilled? What are the hours? Overnight shift? Are they constantly working or is it reasonable? Do you work opposite shifts? How does that work with your life? Do you jointly have enough income to sustain a household? Do you jointly have enough flexibility to deal with life things? Can someone be home for the cable guy/plumber/furniture delivery?

  5. We both have decent incomes and when you combine them we are able to hit our short and long term financial goals while still having fun money. I do wonder how things would be different if I made enough for her to stay at home.

    If the question is whether we care about the status of the job title, well I don’t care and I don’t my wife does either.

  6. Neither my husband or I really understand each other’s job. But we both love what we do and love that the other one loves what they do, and that’s what matters. 😀

    I’m a computer programmer and he’s a machinist. The biggest thing that affects us is that I have a higher stress job, which means that sometimes I don’t have the bandwidth to consistently keep up with stuff at home, so that falls to him. He has a lower stress job that enables him the capacity to do that, so the combination of higher stress/higher pay job and lower stress/more able to keep up with other things job works very well for us.

  7. I think it’s important to see a family as a unit.

    I could tell right away that my wife wasn’t the best with young children. So we knew daycare/school was a better idea.

    For others it’s different.

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