Hey everyone, I know we usually talk about romantic relationships, but I have a question about female friendships. I’ve struggled with finding my group of friends for most of my life, and I always thought it was because I was constantly moving around. But lately, I’m starting to wonder if maybe I’m the problem.

I’ve noticed a pattern in my friendships that’s been bothering me. It feels like I’m often just a 'transition friend'—someone people turn to when they’re lonely or going through a rough patch, but not someone they commit to long-term. I’m always up to something, and my social media might give off the vibe that I’m a social butterfly, which might attract women who crave that energy. I enjoy helping people step out of their comfort zones and organizing activities, but when I introduce them to my other friends, they seem to connect with them more than they do with me.

Even after spending quality one-on-one time together, I find that people often start preferring to hang out only when my other friends are also available. It’s not that I mind introducing people, but it’s disheartening when I end up being left out or, in some cases, even become the subject of negative conversations between people I’ve brought together.

I’m trying to figure out what I might be doing wrong. I want to be more self-aware and reflect on this. What qualities or behaviors make you gravitate towards one female friend over another? What are some things that give you the 'friendship ick'? I’d really appreciate any tips or insights you can share.

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