The two persons in the picture, my bf and my bsf, don’t like each other. My bsf doesn’t like him because she thinks that he doesn’t treat me right and I’m blindsided. My bf doesn’t like her because she was very mean to him and said shitty things a couple of times.

What happened was yesterday my bf asked me to share an instagram post of a contest where his 4 year old nephew participated in and i did. My bsf then asked me who’s the kid and i told her that it is his nephew and if she could like the picture. She replied “so dramatic”. I didn’t reply anything and I basically ignored. My bf saw the text and got furious because of her calling his nephew dramatic. He then told me a lot of things. He told that I have a sick mentality and I appreciated my friend. I should’ve said something but I did not.
I couldn’t tell him anything and I was quiet the whole time. He then asked me to remove his family members and him from my socials and i did it.

He said i hurt him very much because I knew how close he is with his nephew and i let him down. I’m feeling very guilty for not saying anything.

I only have two friends and when I told them they told me I didn’t have any fault and he overreacted. My bsf told me that “you sharing and asking me to like it was dramatic. Why would I call a kid dramatic when I don’t even know him”

They were on call afterwards and my bsf lashed out and told him that he is sick to even think that she would call that kid dramatic and she doesn’t need to explain.

I’m feeling very guilty for hurting him. I don’t know what to do.

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