how often do u compare yourself to your girlfriend or wife’s male friends?

  1. 0 often

    Compare yourself to only your yesterday’s self

    Ps: “your gf-wife’s male friends”……. They’re better than you, in the bed at least. If she got any of those side chads.

  2. Whenever I see them, hear about them, or think about them. It doesn’t really feel like jealousy–that is, I’m not anxious she’s going to cheat. It’s more like I’m anxious that I will be disappointing in some way.

  3. As long as I’m the only one banging her , idgaf about her other male or female friends. Being a human she is bound to have other friends. Doesn’t mean that I should instantly be insecure. Grow up dude.

  4. I constantly compare everyone with everyone else, but in a different way than you think.

  5. I pretty much only compare myself to Richard Simmons, who exemplifies the peak male physique

  6. We don’t have opposite sex friends. Temptations need to be avoided. And before any of that poor her bullshit. We made that decision together 16 years ago when we first started dating. We both are jealous and we both love it.

  7. Rarely, if ever. She chose to have a committed relationship with me for a reason, just as I chose her for a reason. It’s called “trust” and “respect.”

  8. Never, because not only am I the greatest, hottest, most powerful fucking man In our social circle, but… she doesn’t have male friends. She knows it’s disrespectful to hang around dudes who are trying to fuck her when she’s in a relationship with me.

  9. Everyone saying they don’t are lying. Comparing yourself to other people is a natural phenomenon that everyone does whether they realize they’re doing it or not.

    Its called sizing someone up, it’s you comparing them to you and seeing how they match up.

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