Growing up I was always taught to respect and listen to my elders, sometimes even fear them. They weren't our friends. Apparently, other children my age were not having the same experience. (For reference: I live in the US and my parents are Asian immigrants. I know this is a cultural difference)

Once I turned 18, I noticed people my age speaking to adults like their friends. I tried to do this but it felt so unnatural. During a conversation, I try my best to be friendly and relatable with them and laugh with them, but after a few minutes I instinctively grow passive and submissive. I still feel like a child, yet I'm expected to treat my elders as if we are on the same level. What the hell?

Now I'm in my 20s and I'm still struggling with this. It was all cute and whatnot a couple years ago, but I'm graduating college soon and I need to get over myself before I enter the workforce. How can I treat my elders as my equals without being awkward about it?

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