Throwaway because this is too personal for main. Please don't be weird. Also on mobile so forgive any weird formatting.

I have a hookup buddy/friend with benefits I've been seeing for a bit. We've only had sex a couple times so far, but we're thinking about trying something a little different. Problem: we have no idea what positions could work. He doesn't have legs, not like he's paralyzed, just no legs past the very uppermost thigh. Not sure of all the details but it's an at or shortly after birth thing in case that matters. Long time wheelchair user, he gets along fine. No lower body paralysis at least that I'm aware of, so he can feel sex fully and does enjoy it a lot so far.

I'm his first sexual partner though so he has no real experience with what other positions could work. So far it's just been him on his back while I fuck him. It's working fine for us so far if a bit awkwardly, but we're both interested in trying something else out. Any other positions that could work? We've both got the right equipment down there to penetrate and have no real preference on who would be doing it. Preferably nothing that would be overly physically straining though, we're both on the older end (I'm 53 he's 62) and while we're in good shape we're still not too keen on having to do a whole gymnastics act just to get down to business unless it's the only other option.

Please help?

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