I've been with my girlfriend for a year and 2 months. Everything is great except our sex life. I kind of ignored the issue at first, thinking it shouldn't matter but it's been bothering me a lot lately and causing issues in our relationship so I'm looking for advice on how to proceed

In summary, our sex is so boring I've had a hard time getting in the mood with her. I don't even have fetishes. I'm plain. But something more than a rough handjob and then expecting me to be ready to bang would be nice.

I've tried to hint by saying things like "I really like when you do X" or "it'd be so hot if you did Y" etc. But none of the hints get through. I don't know how else to do it other than sitting her down and being direct, which would obviously upset her. Who wants to hear they suck at turning their partner on?

And I don't think it's an issue of her not wanting to have sex. She complains so much when we go a week without it. I'll say things like "it would get me in the mood if you initiated" or "it would turn me on if you made out with me more". She goes ok and doesn't do anything. Then the next day she's back to complaining that we haven't had sex in a week.

Then when we do have sex, it's all focused on her. Once she finishes I probably have like 3 minutes to get myself off before she starts complaining about her legs being sore or something which then totally kills the mood.

Tl;dr gf isn't picking up on my gentle hints trying to communicate my sexual needs, how can I convey them without straight up saying she's the reason we don't have as much sex as she'd like

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