Question for ppl who grew up when internet was not very easily accessible: how did you first get exposed to adult content in a time when high speed internet was not readily available and “content” was not in your face all the time?

  1. Youngsters today will never experience bush porn the way we did when I were young.

    Growing up in 80s/early 90s finding dirty mags in’t bushes was how most young lads got their introduction to smut. It were like a form of sex ed.

  2. Ha ha ha I would see a picture of a nude woman so I clicked on it. Then 27 new websites open (called pop ups) and they all want $49.99 a year for porn. The internet was hell in 1997. Meanwhile the people SELLING the porn are driving the most expensive BMW you can get.

  3. You downloaded a MP3 file and realized it wasn’t that Eminem Song you’ve been looking for…

  4. That was the whole reason I got internet at home. My parents didn’t even know we had internet until the phone bill had an additional charge some six months later.

  5. Late 70s, my oldest brother’s copies of Penthouse and Hustler. The first porno I saw was his copy of Taboo II on VHS. The orgy scene where Ron Jeremy creampies a chick and another guy eats Ron’s load outta her pussy made me beat my dick like it owed me 3 months back rent.

  6. Discarded jazz mags in hedges that were then subsequently shared out between your pals. That and knowing where a mates dad kept his porn vids and mags. I remember a mate putting a porn vid into a different VHS box, so the copy of “star wars” he was lending to us, was actually wobbly knockers. A nuclear war could have started when I first watched that and I doubt I would have noticed.

    It’s a good job his dad didn’t go to his stash though while we were taking turns to borrow the vid. He might have been disappointed trying to knock one out to the Empire Strikes Back.

  7. I stole a pack of playing cards with naked women on each card from a shop whilst on holiday in Spain. I was probably 13. Had money on me but didn’t have the balls to go up to the counter and buy them. And yes bush porn😏

  8. I remember being like 14-15 and going to a mates house and he just put it on. It was weird.

  9. A bookstore by the elementary school i went to had a book from the movie 10 w Bo Derek, it had tits in it. National geographic titties always made us laugh. But my friend and his sister and I spent a summer together where parents all went to work and we had to all stay in the same house and make sure no one went missing( babysit ourselves) I was 12 , he was 10 and lil sis was 9. What do kids do but get into shit. His parents room had built in wardrobes with drawers built under. One drawer had a padlock setup to prevent opening, so we pulled the drawer next to it completely out and his sister could git her little arm above the edge and reach into the drawer. We were like whats in there!?!? She comes up with a butt plug first, we were like wtf is that. Get more we told her. Then some bondage chains, a couple of vhs tapes and a hand full of of polaroids. We put the tape in the vcr. it was a young Christy Canyon gettin gang banged by some bikers. First xxx i ever saw, felt sick to my stomach but good. Long story short, the polaroids turned up my dad pounding his mom ,what a dirtbag. By the end if the summer we had all learned how to jack off and catch his sis rubbing em out as well. lol that was almost 40 yrs ago fuck im old!

  10. images on dial up were risky.
    not only would it take 10 min to load a picture, it usually started from the top down, and sometimes it was trap porn.
    you’d be like, omg yes, boobs, next thing a giant cock was staring you in the face, and it was ahhh dammit.

  11. when i started in the early 90s, internet was (for me) mostly user groups and forums.
    As i was young, it was about star trek, games and movies.
    Esp in gaming forums, people shared images and gifs and there was no filter at all.
    Pictures took a while to load. Nevermind movies, which where clips with a lenght of 3-5 seconds…
    Web browsing was costing by the minute. so i would not stay online for very long or long enough to download for example 30mb files…

    Also forums where not moderated.

    Not very later i typed boobs and nude into search engines. (rip altavista)
    i did not dare to open webistes and if i did, i did a hard shut down to “get rid of evidence” very quickly.

    Back then, netscape (the browser) did not save history if closed by shutdown or via taskmanager.

  12. I reached under my brother’s bed to grab a ball I was looking for, next thing I’m looking at Playboy of June 1998’s Baywatch edition. I swear I felt it start to move before I even looked inside.

  13. The news agents would toss out the pornos cos the distributor only wanted the front page back to credit them.

    For a while I was selling them by the hundreds dumpster diving.

  14. Porn has always been in your face on the internet. Banner/pop up ads were porn a minimum of 30% of the time, you just had to wait 10vminutes for it to load

  15. Some friend of a friend would buy a DVD somehow and share it with everyone. I just copied it. Also, I used keep my computer on all night because it was downloading “games”.

  16. I got angry and typed “fucking machines” into the search engine.

    12-year-old me had a small obsession after that.

  17. Thought I was downloading the pokemon theme song(extended)  it was erotic role-playing of a girl banging a Pikachu.

  18. HBO. After like 9 or 10 it went from kids movies straight into porn lol. I watched Small Soldiers while playing with my action figures and next thing you know there were two women eating eachother out and my uncle was like “WHOOOAA what are you watching?”

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