Quick context: I 24F have been seeing a 27M for about 3 months. Met on hinge and have seen him around 1x a week since meeting. He’s always planning dates and finding things for us to do and it’s not just inviting me over for the night, I.e. dinners, game nights out

I’m not use to being the “louder” one in a relationship, but I am in this one. He for sure has warmed up a bit over time, but sometimes I still feel like I have to pull tooth and nail with him to get more out.

I’ve asked how he’s feeling about how things have been going between us and he said he enjoys spending time with me and he wants to keep seeing me.

I know we both are on the same page as wanting to be in a relationship, but not in a rush to force anything.

He’s met my best friend and her boyfriend a few weeks ago for a vibe check and they both described him as shy and didn’t expect him to be that quiet but didn’t get the impression that he wasn’t into me.

And I’ve seen him interact with his roommate and I know he can be more lively, so I’m assuming when he’s more in his own “element” is when I could expect to see more of that side of him?

I guess what I’m looking for is for either quiet men or women who are/have dated quiet men for their advice/stories. I don’t want to call it quits yet just because he’s on the more quiet/shy side, but also 3 months and many dates/nights spent together I feel like I should be getting a bit more?

How long did it take for the guy to open up more to you and be more engaging?

Guys, when did you start showing more of yourself/opening up more when dating?

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