Hello r/dating_advice ( and to whom it may concern) \~

The quick rundown, the Really Quick Rundown, is that I (m31) have known this female for about 3 years at this point. I had first met her from her boyfriend who I had let stay with me for a couple of weeks whilst he be completely homeless in lieu of losing his spot in their shared household due to complications that are now unimportant. We shall call him “Lance (m31).”

\*\*!!!!!!!!!Suicide Trigger Warning ie Is Within The Spoiler Text!!!!!!!!!\*\*

After 1 (one ) week of letting him stay with me, largely due to that a friend of mine, one I had met in a very similar situation, though on the part of my roommate and not myself ( he and my roomie hooked up though we became fast friends regardless), >! had taken a self inflicted bullet to the head in my living room, probably due to the fact that me and my roomie were both intravenous methamphetamine users (perhaps the former roommate still is) who had shown him the way to use, and we were ( at least I was) very patient with him as far as using this way goes (and more though he and I had never had a sexual relationship). Regardless MDD and IV use do not mix but anyway.. heh..
Guilt is real.. <! To the crux of my dilemma despite my tangent, she ( the homies ex girl/ fiance) came about shortly after.

I do realise I am very longwinded but golly gee I have breath!

To shorten a bit I shared a room with her ( let’s call her “Stella” Lunaris, or just Peeb), and she slept next to me many a time without incident… She at the time (too a methamphetamine user) that I supplied heavily, alongside her then ( current ? boyfriend/ fiance) with asking for and having no desire to have any ulterior motives fulfilled with either of them and, to be clear I still do not with her beyond dating her, potentially….. Er..

“Lance” wound up in jail for an indeterminent amount of time…

I am sobre now… She, too, is on that same sort of path.. We have similar interests and she (\~f27) is beautiful, though such material things… ugh.. can only take one so far ( I am that one). She’s in college and so am I…

I guess the crux of my quandary is to ask the humble (?) folks of r/dating_advice if this is sleezy of me? “Lance” has been in jail for a year and he and I have fallen out of contact, certainly due to my own unrelated inhibitions, though I may shoot a letter, and right now, as far as I know, his sentencing is still up in the air… Could be upwards of a year or more, I am unsure as he is probably being charged with evading police, unpaid child support and the like, nothing too heinous, well.. the child support thing but what I mean by “heinous,” is in the eyes of the law.

Wao.. That was a ton of background.. Ok lemme know what yall think or.. or not … I would appreciate it though…

I haven’t been on a date in forever and I feel like that going out with a friend would be more comfortable for me, though she may not get the hint… I have heard that persistence is part of it this sort of scheme… Anyway, it would be the beginning, the start, the first step in any kind of persistence — is it worth it?

Perhaps… lol

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