I really HATE social anxiety, like literally many times i had chances that can make me feel really proud or comfortable of my self but i always waste it and it really makes me feel miserable, an example today i was in the math class then the teacher says that whoever explains this answers I'm gonna give her a prize(no one asnwered it like the way he want) and i was hesitant to raise my hand to answer so if i was wrong in gonna look very bad and my answer was slightly correct to the answer that he wanted! And in the same class he wanted anyone to summerize what did we take in the class and i knew but as usual i didn't raise my hand, whenever i think of it i really feel shit of my self and i feel stupid of the way that i look uncomfortable and worried and staring at nothing in the calsses bc from my social anxiety…if anyone can help i will be so grateful for the advices

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