So my boyfriend and I have had a problem with having sex. In the beginning it was a lot. but now it's only me initiating and I'm lucky if we have sex once a week. I'm sure he watches porn everyday. A couple weeks ago a youtuber got canceled for doing something weird, and the youtuber explained that he has some hyper sexual condition to explain why he did that. My boyfriend said he could relate and is always thinking about sex. Yesterday I tried to initiate and he moved my hand. I straight up got real with him and explained I wanted a partner, not a friend. We had a long talk and he just explained that he valued our companionship more than anything else so sex is not important to him. Even though we've struggled with this months ago and nothing has changed. I tried to talk to him about the root of the issue so we could solve it. I explained to him he either has a porn addiction or he's just not attracted to me anymore. He would not admit to either. He eventually got to the point where he said he would try to be better and initiate. But I think he was just getting uncomfortable with the topic and doesn't like to dwell on issues. if something takes too long to solve he just gives up or gives in because he'd rather not talk.

For additional info I did ask why he has put his sexual energy towards porn instead of me, and he has said because it's easier, quicker, more exciting. I tried to explain he likely has an addiction to that and he was saying he did not. I feel as though it is because it's harming our intimacy. In my opinion if it’s ruining relationships it’s an addiction. I feel like he's choosing porn over me. Unless he's not. I don't know what the actual reason is but I can only guess porn because porn used to ruin sex for me as well until I stopped. I'm not sure what to do. It feels like i'm coercing him into having sex. I don't want that. I just wanted a real explanation on why someone who has said they are hyper sexual won't have sex with their partner so we can fix it. I don't think he'd cheat on me btw. Should I just break up with him?

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